Monday, 7 March 2011

Quick "tip"

 Muscle is a metabolically active tissue there is  much more than fat. This means that muscle burns calories even when you are doing nothing. Having more muscle means you can eat more and still lose fat witch you want im sure. The best way to gain muscle is through resistance training, e.g. weight lifting. This can be done two to three times a week for good results.Aerobic exercise such as jogging and running may result in some muscle gain but it is minimal when compared to resistance training. Muscle is what gives your body shape. You can loose all the fat you want but if you don't have any muscle to show then you won't have any real shape to show. Nobody can loose ten,fifteen or even twenty kg's over night. It will take commitment. You must also comet 250%.
The best thing for you to do is do not start off to hard reason being you are going to start hatting it and dread it when it's time to gym. Some people actuality  want to start off hard and beat themselves every time the reason for that is because your body will soon get use to it and you will be giving 100% from the go, although please make sure you know what you doing because you are more likely to hurt yourself very badly. do you safer and more advisable.

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